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Friday, May 20, 2016

It's Been Over A Year

Why haven't I published in awhile?

I suppose, I began this blog with a few people, invited a few others to write with, til it dwindled and became just my brother and me... And it was sort of a way of addressing transience and change and impermanence... the experience of loss... in a sense, it was a yearning of mine to draw many threads of people in my life together, but I think it was privileging my own voice, rather than theirs.

Now, I have been working on building a new organisation together with a group of different asianaustralians, who are interested in a more cohesive democracy, one that can inspire action and change.

Democracy is a form of choosing to remain in conversation with one another, and to see one another as legitimate subjects for political conversation, no matter the person's background or belief, including belief systems that are anti-democratic.

This is the paradox of democracy.

How do I lean into this? Let it rest...

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